Tuesday, May 28, 2013

AA Readathon

With the success of the Boutabooks Readathon my friend Abby (click here to see her blog) and I have decided  to have our own readathon! The AA Readathon!

If you don't know what a readathon is, it's basically a set amount of time like a day, a week, a month, or even a year, where you just try to read more than you usually do. For example, let's say there's a week long readathon. If you usually read 1 book a week, try to read 2 or 3 for the readathon. If you are a really big reader, you may even try to read a book a day! Some readathons have more complex rules, like you can't stop reading or you can't read mangas or graphic novels, but the AA Readathon is pretty straight forward : just read a lot! You can set crazy goals for your self; like read 2 books a day, but the general idea is just to read more books than usual in this set amount of time.

This readathon will begin midnight, June 1st and will last all month. Since it's a full 30 days, this will be a great opportunity to try get ahead on your reading challenge that you set for yourself in January. Anyone can participate and it's open world wide.  There is no official sign up but I would love to here what you're planning on reading for the readathon in the comments below.

Best of luck to you all!

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